Laravel Remove Public From Url

Example 1: Delete Public From url via Laravel 5.8 or 6.0 Step 1:-. In it we shall find a file of.htaccess name. We have to delete the file from there as well as take it out of. Outside we shall find a file of a server.php name. We have to change the name of that file. Laravel 5 Remove public from URL Step 1: Copy index.php and.htaccess from the public folder – Step 2: Paste these file to the root folder. Step 3: Now open index.php and change the following lines – require DIR.' /./bootstrap/autoload.php'; to require. Step 4: Flush all cache and delete. Laravel – Remove public from URL By admin September 17, 2018. On any type of server (Apache, Nginx, etc.) You should point your web server (Nginx, Apache, etc) to.

Remove Public From Laravel 5 Url Htaccess

Laravel Remove Public From Url
  1. Laravel - Remove Public from URL using htaccess Are you using shared hosting? Then i know you fetch problem with public in your url path. Yes, if you have laravel project and use shared hosting then you go on public folder and then run index.php file. So in your root doamin with public path is.
  2. In this way, you can remove the public from the URL using the Document Root path. Hence, you can use this method to remove the public from the URL in the Laravel application. In other words, you can use the.htaccess method on shared servers and Document Root method on a dedicated server. I hope this will help this post in your deployment.

For the security reasons, Laravel keeps public accessible files and index.php in the public directory in root. So the public can not access your core directory structure. You can point your domain to the public directory for accessing directly domain.

Laravel 8 Remove Public From Url

But if you want to remove public from URL badly. you can follow the below steps to get it without making any modification in your domain root path. You can get it by the sevaral way.

Method 1

  • Rename server.php in your Laravel root folder to index.php
  • Copy the .htaccess file from the directory /public to your Laravel root folder.

Done, try browsing without public in URL, you should go homepage

Another Method 2 (Risky)

This is too much risky for your application or website, because of it makes your composer.json, .env and others sensitive files or information publicly accessible via the browser. Good practice is to set your virtual host to /public or point domain to the public directory. So if you want to go ahead with this instruction, please continue.

Copy .htaccess, index.php and others directory from the public folder to root directory. Then change root index.php code as below

Dragon ball super climax mugen android. Now all set, and try to browse your website without public

Don’t forget to prevent .env file accessing by url

Hide .env from your .htaccess located in the root directory, open it by a text editor and add below code snippet at the end of the page, so your all of credential will be store securely.

Laravel is a very popular framework in PHP. But it comes with the public path in URL and this is one of the most common problems in the latest Laravel 5.* community. While set project on the local environment you face this problem. So, you need antalya bayan escort to resolve this problem before deploying your project on the server. Most of the time remove public from URL in Laravel problem can resolve by setting Document Root. But you can resolve by setting .htaccess file.

Laravel 5.7 Remove Public From Url

So what is the problem? It is not good when you have the public in your URL. So to remove antalya escort this there are some methods and settings in configuration.

Methods to Remove public from URL

Using .htaccess file

Since you are already ready with Laravel project. Now, you can 1xbet giriş
easily remove the public from URL in Laravel application. Follow the below steps to remove public from URL.

Rename Server.php to index.php

Firstly, you can rename server.php file to index.php file. You can find it in the root folder of your project.

Copy .htaccess file

Copy .htaccess file from public folder to root folder. kaçak bahis Since this is the best option if you are working on the shared hosting. Change .htaccess files to below code or you can replace it.

<IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.css|.js|.png|.jpg|.gif|robots.txt)$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/public/
RewriteRule ^(css|js|images)/(.*)$ public/$1/$2 [L,NC]

However, this above .htaccess rule will resolve the issue regarding assets. Also, .env file access is also shown 404 error on browser. In other words, you don’t need to manually change any code for this condition. This rules will automatically handle those conditions.

Changes in Assets Path

So, you can see the public is removed from the URL. But due to this, there is one more problem occur in the applications. All the link and script assets will get 404 error. While getting those files you get “Not Found” error. So, to resolve this error you can 1xbet
simply prepend public in your assets URL. Therefore, you can resolve the “Not Found” error.

In this way, you can remove the public from URL using .htaccess rules. But make sure anyways you don’t give any unnecessary access to your application. If you find so then you can make changes in your .htaccess file.

Laravel Remove Public From Url

Using Document Root


When you use a dedicated or private server for the web development then relatively simple to remove the public from URL. Now, you have access to the root. So, you can change any file on your server. But make sure you have ideas about what you are doing.

Open Virtual Host file of your server. and add the public to your Document Root.

ServerName <a class='vglnk'href=''rel='nofollow'> <span>example</span><span>.</span><span>com</span></a>
ServerAlias <a class='vglnk'href=''rel='nofollow'> <span>www</span><span>.</span><span>example</span><span>.</span><span>com</span></a>
DocumentRoot {yoursourcedirectory}/publicErrorLog
${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

In the above code, you will see the highlighted line. Well so, you can Simply add public in that line. Save the change in Virtual Host file and check your URL on the browser. However, you can restart your apache to reset the service. In this way, you can remove the public from the URL using the Document Root path.

Laravel Remove Public From Url

Hence, you can use this method to remove the public from the URL in the Laravel application. In other words, you can use the .htaccess method on shared servers and Document Root method on a dedicated server. I hope this will help this post in your deployment. In short, comment below if you have any query regarding removal of public from URL.